
Hypnotherapy has brought about positive changes in the lives of millions of people. As a Certified Hypnotherapist, I believe as people become more accepting of themselves, they are more capable of finding happiness and contentment in their lives.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is an effective and speedy means of working with the mind. It makes use of the natural techniques of “hypnosis” to gain swift access to deeply rooted anxieties and problems.

The term “hypnosis” comes from the Greek word hypnos, meaning “sleep.” Hypnotherapists use exercises that bring about deep relaxation and an altered state of consciousness, also known as the hypnotic trance.

Hypnotherapy, or trance work, utilizes is a group of techniques that allow practitioners and patients to take advantage of the Mind-Body connection to foster healing.

Hypnosis is completely safe and will not work without the consent and total cooperation of the person being hypnotized.

While the practitioner serves as a teacher or guide, the only person who can hypnotize you is you, since trance is a latent potential of your own mind. Therefore, all hypnosis is really self-hypnosis.

What distinguishes hypnotherapy is that it involves a deliberate choice to enter this state of consciousness for a goal beyond relaxation: to focus concentration and use suggestion to promote health and healing.

How does Hypnosis work?

When something happens to us, we remember it and learn a particular behavior in response to what happened. Each time something similar happens, our physical and emotional reactions attached to the memory are repeated. In some cases these reactions are unhealthy.

During hypnosis, your body relaxes and your thoughts become more focused. Like other relaxation techniques, hypnosis lowers blood pressure and heart rate, and changes certain types of brain wave activity.

In this relaxed state, you will feel at ease physically yet fully awake mentally and may be highly responsive to suggestion. Your conscious mind becomes less alert and your subconscious mind becomes more focused. Some people respond better to hypnotic suggestion than others.

Hypnotherapy Treatments

Hypnotherapy is widely accepted for the treatment of anxiety, depression, certain habit disorders, to control irrational fears, as well as in the treatment of conditions such as insomnia and addiction. Hypnosis has also been used to enhance recovery from non-psychological conditions such as after surgical procedures and even with gastro-intestinal problems, including IBS.